Upco Mobile Messenger enables fast and fully secure communications (multi-level encryption) with other Upco users for free through your internet connection* simply using your phone number as your ID. To keep your privacy as our priority, your communication and usage history are never stored on any servers.
Upco works almost everywhere and supports audio and video calls in best HD quality even with slow and crowded network connections or 2G/EDGE networks, using less data than other Messengers.
To call non-Upco landline or mobile phone numbers you can use Upco-Out and buy one of the attractive and flexible calling plans or just use our international airtime top-up.
Main features:
★ Fast and fully secure communication (multi-level encryption), your communication and usage history are never stored on any servers.
★ No need for speed. Upco works almost everywhere even with slow and crowded network connections or 2G/EDGE networks, using less data than other Messengers.
★ Free* audio and video calls to other Upco users in HD quality at 720p resolution. Other Upco users are automatically detected.
★ Free* Instant messaging and private group chats. Add fun and emotions with a variety of cool stickers. Personalize your chats with own image, name, background and more.
★ Sending any type of file, contacts or locations and add inside your chat without limits.
★ Attractive and flexible calling plans for local and international calls to non-Upco users with Upco-Out and Callback services.
★ PUSH notifications - never miss messages and calls, even if Upco is closed.
★ After signing out of Upco you decide whether to keep or delete all communication and usage history on your individual device.
Upco is a cross-platform application currently available for Android and Apple iOS.
*Upco uses your internet connection. Wi-Fi is recommended and network data charges may apply where you are connected through your personal network data plan.
Upco Mobile Messenger可通过您的互联网连接免费与其他Upco用户进行快速,完全安全的通信(多级加密)*只需使用您的电话号码作为您的身份证。为了保护您的隐私,您的通信和使用历史记录永远不会存储在任何服务器上。
Upco几乎可以在任何地方工作,即使使用缓慢而拥挤的网络连接或2G / EDGE网络,也可以使用比其他信使更少的数据,以最佳的高清质量支持音频和视频呼叫。
★无需速度。 Upco几乎可以在任何地方工作,即使网络连接速度慢且拥挤,也可能使用2G / EDGE网络,使用的数据少于其他信使。
★PUSH通知 - 即使Upco关闭,也不会错过任何消息和电话。
Upco是目前可用于Android和Apple iOS的跨平台应用程序。
* Upco使用您的互联网连接。建议使用Wi-Fi,并且在通过个人网络数据计划连接的地方可能会收取网络数据费用。